Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Letting Go

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.  ~ Author Unknown

Indeed, sometimes letting go is the best gift we can give ourselves. 'Letting go' applies to a variety of emotions and situations, and today, I am talking about 'letting go' in reference to love.

'Letting go' and 'giving up' are very different, yet we choose not to differentiate. 'Letting go' refers to soulfully, spiritually and physically saying goodbye to someone, when we know that God and the universe wills it; 'giving up' on the other-hand, is just allowing a relationship to perish, because it involves too much of an effort and/or sacrifice.

Some may wonder how we differentiate between the two. That's easy, look within and ask your heart and soul. All our answers we seek are with us. The question is, are we ready to accept what we already know, or do we choose to look the other way and pretend like everything's okay?
Letting go is not goodbye... far from it. It's a way of saying good-luck. Good-luck to the person you love and good luck to yourself.

And boy, don't we need all the luck, once we do say goodbye. It's natural to question our decision, wonder if we did the right thing, if we tried at all, if only, if only we could give it one last breath of love. I believe, love comes from God, and he helps us realise love and letting go when he believes it's time. Yes, letting go is the hardest thing, especially when we feel like a part of our soul has abandoned us, when we question our feelings and wonder how something so pure, so precious didn't go the way we wanted it to. But then, we realise that because our love is pure and precious, it reinforces us and gives us the strength to let go.

Letting go comes with pain so unbearable that it's impossible to put into words, but it also comes with strength of love, soul and spirit so indomitable that it expands our heart and soul. Once we pass the phase that involves questions, self-pity and even bitterness and anger, we become aware of a tranquil phase, where we are able to acknowledge that while we may always love the person we said goodbye to, we now have space enough to fill our hearts with even more love for another person.

Let go, give yourself all the time to cry, travel, write, walk along the ocean, take-off to a tranquil hills-station, do whatever makes you happy. And then when you reach tranquility, forgive (no matter what transpired between the two of you), smile at the good times, thank the good Lord for the tough ones. Remember, the new you is born because God willed you to be reborn and the new you is born because the person you bade goodbye to, brought you there.

Letting go is the hardest thing we do, but we've truly let go of someone, when we find our joy in feeling the way we did, realise that love is always there, when forgiveness is embedded in the core of our being and when we're able to acknowledge what we had with someone and make space in our hearts for a lot more love.

Letting go sanctifies and purifies love, fortifies your strength of soul and spirit, gives your feelings the respect it deserves, opens out hearts, souls and spirits that only letting go can bring.

Have a blessed day. :)

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Free-falling with Faith

I stood on the edge of that cliff for too long and then the universe made a decision for me... it was time to plunge. No looking back, no questions, no reasons, no fear, no distrust... just plunge. PLUNGE, I did it and while I was free-falling, I saw some of the most beautiful sights, had experiences that only fearlessness can bring, rediscovered my soul, reacquainted myself with my broken heart and learnt to love every bit of it and then I realised I wasn't free-falling anymore, I was actually flying. I WAS AND AM FLYING!

How often we find ourselves balancing on a precarious edge (we could be holding on to careers, a relationship, the hope of a relationship, material things etc) trying our best to hold-on, just hold-on because we believe that maybe, just maybe things will change and/or get better. How often do we allow our careers and all things material to define us. How often do we stubbornly stay rooted, instead of just taking that plunge with faith... faith that everything will be okay; belief that this is only part of a larger plan and we must follow humbly, no questions asked. Let go, just let go, set it free, set ourself free.

No matter what the plunge involves - it could be sailing around the world, learning to bake just to feel heaven in soft dough, the feel of gentle breeze on you skin or moving to a new country altogether. Make a decision and if it is what the Almighty has willed for us, then God and the universe will find a way to make it happen. If not, they will open new doors and urge us to change our direction.

Let's leave the planning to higher sources, we're too meek to believe that we control our destiny... and yet that assumption is a favourite with so many of us. I've come to learn that the Almighty will either throw you a safety net or teach you to fly.

It's time to break those imaginary mental shackles, time to rid ourself of the grasping onto this, that and the other. Gift ourself the beautiful present of free-falling with faith and experience life at it deepest, most spiritual best, because this plunge comes from faith.

Our physical life and situations are like a fistful of sand in a tightened wrist; the tighter we grasp, the quicker we lose it. On the other hand, if we only just set it free, let it go... a few grains will fall down and find their place in the larger scheme of things but we will still be left with a small amount of sand in our palm... and that's the amount that's meant for us. Let loose, let go... set our beautiful spirit free.

When we don't make decisions ourselves, the Almighty and the universe makes them for us. Let's be graceful enough to accept these decisions as the great master's plan and find our peace and solace in now. 'Now' what a beautiful moment - 'now' close your eyes, connect with your soul, set him/her free and plunge... you may either discover a beautiful new pair of wings or fall into the most secure safety net.

Have a fabulously blessed day everyone. :)

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Walking Across a Burnt Bridge

There's something about making our way across a burnt bridge. Most of us look for bridges that aren't burnt and there lies our folly. I believe that we need to cease looking for a bridge that hasn't burnt and make our way across one that already has. Confused? Read on...

Most of us waste too much of time looking for steady bridges and in effect lose out on experiences and discoveries that only a burnt bridge will allow. You see, a burnt bridge offers us an undiscovered path that we can call our own, experiences that will be more enriching than anything we've ever imagined and so much more.

Some may argue that some experiences and situations in life drain and empty us. I agree and I also say that we must allow it/them to drain us. When we're going through it, the immediate aftereffects are devastating, but one day in the future we realise that what emptied us then, fills us now with resilience and faith and strength we never even knew we had. It's okay to crash and it's okay to be empty... because only when we crash, a new person is born and only when we're empty we'll have the space to fill ourself with new enriching experiences.

Indeed, spiritual life is most enhancing and enriching when we feel our pain, know and understand it for what it is and love it for the cleansing. Every tear spent, every stab of hurt felt, every test of our spirit, only cleanses our soul in a way that God wills. Submitting totally to the will of God and the will of the universe is essential.

It's alright to breakdown, cry as loud as we need and talk to God and the universe. In fact communication with the Almighty is essential more in our pain, because this is when we have the most questions, this is when our understanding abandons us and this is when our very faith is tested. Yes we have a lot of questions for God and we may even question his fairness and sometimes his very presence in our lives. But remember, the moment we feel that God has abandoned us, he is actually carrying us through. To feel and know pain in its truest, rawest most sorrowful self is to truly know God. This is how God feels when we choose a different path from the one he has chose for us.

Pain and sorrow have their own lessons, tears has its destiny, hurt has its own purpose. Let's acknowledge, accept and embrace them for what they truly are. Accepting pain and loving it for what it does for us spiritually will lead us closer to our soul's true purpose.

Love pain as much as we love laughter
Embrace it, like we would a lover
Sanctify it, like we would love an integral part of our soul
Understand it for what it means to our spirit
Accept it unquestioningly

Laughter is soul-enriching, pain is soul-cleansing.

Have a blessed day everyone. :)