Saturday 25 September 2010

Our Guardian Angels

God not only sends special angels into our lives, but sometimes. He even sends them back again if we forget to take notes the first time! 
~ Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

A blissfully, peaceful morning everyone. :) As the bright September sun kissed my cheek and my ritualistic morning silence ran through my being, I allowed my mind to go back to a beautiful dream I had a couple of days ago. I dreamed of my great-grandmother, my darling nana (she passed away in March 2003, just five days shy of her 103rd birthday). I dreamed that she sat next to me, cupped my face in her hands and told me that she loved me. I told her that I loved her too and as if on cue, my sleep had a peaceful end. As I drifted back to full consciousness, I felt a great sense of peace, a great sense of tranquility, a great sense of love, a great sense of godliness.

I believe that this was God's way and her way of telling me that she is right here, with me, always and forever. You see, I was thinking of her a lot a few days ago and I told God that I needed her... and he helped me realise that she is here with me, eternally. All of us have our guardian angels - they're constantly guiding us, leading us and loving us. They speak really softly and want us to listen. And you know what, we really can listen, if we quieten our minds, and help it work in cooperation with our hearts and souls, we will be able to hear some of the most beautiful lessons and the most melodious music.

Angels come to us in all forms, shapes and sizes and transcend the spiritual and physical realm. My nana is my darling guardian angel from the very holy spiritual realm, my family and soul sisters are my angels in the physical realm, darling animals are angels in their own way. So, what do we really understand about our angels? Do you know that they are an integral part of who we are and who we may or may not become. God blessed us with them and we must respect his blessing and thank him for his generosity.

Besides guiding us, our angels help us realise, understand and follow some of life's most important lessons. Each of us have different destinies to fulfill and different paths to follow - all our lessons come is different ways and may present themselves in different situations; however, all lessons have a common goal - spiritual enhancement that begins in love, caring and sharing.

My beautiful guardian angel, my darling nana - oh how I miss her. I learned to love, simply love from her. She loved without expectation, she loved because that is how she lived her life. Love = God = Life - this was her mantra. I remember that little things brought her joy; she was happiest when she combed my wet hair, woke me up every morning ever so gently, read the newspapers, sewed or playfully teased my brother. :) She lived her life for everyone else and her life's purpose was fulfilled because she spread love in whatever way she could. Whether she lent someone a listening ear, offered words of comfort or just prayed her silent prayer all through the day. When she passed away, she may have been in physical pain (on account of a fall she in the months leading up to her passing), however, her spirit was soaring. I was present when I looked in her eyes as her soul chose to leave this physical world. There was no struggle, no grasping on to life, there was peace, there was nana following God and believing in him as she always did.

My eyes well-up as I type out the last paragraph, however, they're tears of thankfulness; thankfulness for my nana, thankfulness for her selfless love for everyone and thankfulness for her continuing presence in my life. My darling nana, my guardian angel is here, with me as I write this and she wants you all to know that all of you have a guardian angel too. All our angels are in the spiritual world and the physical one - it's now our chance to really listen to them, embrace, be thankful for and to them and to learn whatever we need to from them.

As I think back and imbibe all that my darling nana taught me and continues to teach me, I am blessed. I leaned that love in its truest, purest form is selfless love - devoid of attachments and expectations... love is love. I've learned that caring, sharing and giving is our second nature - a nature we lose along the way, a nature that's waiting for us to realise and accept its presence in our lives. I've learned that loss is a part of life's lesson - loss helps us realise life's true riches and strengthens our spirits in a way that only loss can. I've learned that tears of joy calm us and tears of sorrow purify our soul. I've learned that while it's easy to realise these lessons and so very many more, practicing them requires disciple, humbleness and love - and this is my continuing lesson. This is my continuous process of learning - to live like this always... and boy am I still learning. :)

As I get ready to begin another day in love, caring and sharing, I know that God and my darling guardian angel, my darling nana will guide me and lead me on, all I have to do is follow. As my heart feels a physical gush of love, I imagine a sea of rose petals going out into this world. A world full of people, nature and animals - all of whom want and need our love, all of whom have a beautiful guardian angel just like yours and mine watching over them, all of who need to talk to their guardian angels, just like you and I do.

As I begin my day, I tell my darling nana, my guardian angel that I love her, always have and always will and I pray to her and ask her to help me live my day in love. Love, love, the heartbeat of this beautiful gift from God, this beautiful universe.

Have a fabulously blessed day everyone. :)

P.S: This one's for you my darling nana.

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