Tuesday 7 September 2010

That's Amore

"As I started to picture the trees in the storm, the answer began to dawn on me. The trees in the storm don't try to stand up straight and tall and erect. They allow themselves to bend and be blown with the wind. They understand the power of letting go. Those trees and those branches that try too hard to stand up strong and straight are the ones that break. Now is not the time for you to be strong, Julia, or you, too, will break." ~ Julia Butterfly Hill 

Good morning all, trust everyone's well today. Today, the above quote by Julia Hill reinforced my spirit. It's a rainy morning and as I thought of people I said goodbye to (my darling Nana, grand pappa), a tiny little tear wet my eye. She (my tear) made me smile, because she stayed in my eye for a bit (almost as if she was scared to leave); and then she gently made her way down my cheek and dissolved with time. :) One tear, one tear who reminded me that even though I said goodbye to the people I love the most in this physical world, it warms my heart when I think of them. (Peaceful, happy tears and faith in the good Lord and the universe are healing, ever so healing). :) 

I believe, love has no end; it's eternal and just because we say goodbye to people we love, does not end the feeling. While we may miss them, and the initial phases involve a lot of tears, questions, pessimism, what-if's, numbness and more tears, we get to a stage when we look back and smile.

I was talking to my soul-sister late last-night, and as we talked and talked and talked some more, we realised that even though we've both said our own goodbye's to the people we love, we're better people because of them. Yes, there was a lot of pain, tears and sorrow, but all these sanctify our souls. We also realised that the tears may not end in a hurry, however with each tear spent, we're that much closer to accepting the situation as it is.

My point is, love - the world and everything in it revolves and lives on and in love. It's such a fabulously beautiful, pure feeling that when we as much as experience it, it brings tears of peace and joy and sometimes tears of sorrow. When we love, we're looking to keep that love. But, the point I am trying to make is that no matter how love transpires, beautiful love changes and still stays the same. I reiterate, there will be a lot of tears, pain, sorrow, questions, numbness, anger and sometimes bitterness. Hey, it can even mean crying out so loud that we need a pillow to stifle out the sob, it can even mean cringing and praying that we can stay that way forever. It could mean crashing, getting up and then crashing again. But eventually, ever so slowly, as time passes, that same pain comforts and that same numbness turns to a healing balm. Amid all things, love is also about having the strength to say goodbye... with a smile (eventually). The anger and bitterness disappear and then we're left with space. It's in this space that we rediscover ourselves and reconnect with our souls. We realise that even though our hearts are broken (probably shattered into tiny bits) we learn to love each of those tiny bits instead of waiting for it to be whole again.

Saying goodbye to the person/people you love, does not mean the end of love, it just means that it is a progression to something new... a newer you. You will be able to look back at the time and smile; and while you acknowledge your pain and sadness, you will know that you were blessed to have experienced what you did. :)

My dear friends, true love has no beginning, no ending. Love is love, in its truest, purest form. Love is also about our hearts and souls evolving to a point where we love enough to let go. It's about being honest with oneself and acknowledging that we may love someone eternally. Love brings us joy and sorrow, happiness and despair, hurt and healing... and it's love with all her emotions out together that make us better people.

Whether it's love with family, friends or even a person of the opposite sex. Love is not about ownership, it's about saying, "I love you enough to let you go. I love you enough to know that this love sanctified my soul and fortified my spirit. My love made me better than I ever was, my love gives me the strength to take that one extra step when I stop, my love gives me hope in the future, my love helped me say goodbye with a lot of pain, sans the bitterness. And when I think about you, my love helps me smile." In the case of a person of the opposite sex, love says, "My love celebrates you being you and now me being me. My love has helped me find the space to love someone else in the future and for that I thank you. I will love you eternally, but I have space enough to love someone else and for that I thank you."

Love is a blessing, one of the best blessings from God. To love and be loved is to be blessed, truly blessed. :)

"Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood." ~ Karen Casey

Have a fabulously blessed day everyone, with lots and lots and lots of love. :)    

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